Wednesday 10 June 2015

Our Journey to Chennai

 Our Journey to Chennai


Today in school, I was waiting for our teacher to come.  As soon as we came to class from our assembly, my teacher came.  I said to her that I was taking leave the following two days (11-12 June 2015).  My teacher said 'Okay' and I was overjoyed.  The previous day evening, my grandmother bought a dress for me and said that it was for my birthday, and my mother bought a purse for me and for my brother. She also helped us pack up our luggage for the next day travel and she left for Chennai on 09 June 2015.  

We left for Chennai on 10 June 2015, leaving our grandmother at home.  But on 11 June 2015, my cousins and aunt were coming to house to accompany our grandmother.  We began our journey at 8:35 pm by train.  When the train started moving, we called our grandma over phone and said that the train had started moving.  When the train started moving fast, I felt sleepy.  My father and brother slept on the top berth while I slept in the lower berth.  Though I felt sleepy, I could not sleep well that night. 

Sunday 17 May 2015

Summary of Lucy Enters the Wardrobe

It was when the whole of London was under the threat of fighter planes.  Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy were lying in the bed holding each other out of fear while their parents were talking about a safer place to send the children.  Finally they decided to send them to the Professor’s house.  While Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy were in the Professor’s house they were exploring the huge house.  When they came to an empty room where there was only a wardrobe, Lucy was very curious to see what was inside.  She noticed soft folds of coats and she felt something like mothballs under her feet.  As she went inside she felt snow under her feet and snowflakes falling over her, as she was in the middle of the forest at nightfall.